Large Spear Scraper (1″) – Unhandled

$ 99.00


Our large spear scraper is made of premium nitrided HSS and measures 1” across and 5/16 thick. The bottom edges are radiused so that you can tip it at an angle for even more effective cutting.

Spear scrapers are great at two things: shear scraping the outside of convex shapes like bowls and hollow forms with their long curved edges, and adding details with the point.

The tang is rectangular, but will fit the 5/8″ collet in either of our ER Collet based handle systems.  Also available handled.

When used to shear scrape on the outside of convex shapes, they are often raised up on one edge to improve the shear angle.  We put a generous radius on these edges to facilitate use in this way.  They can also be used like regular scrapers on the inside of open shapes, like shallow bowls and platters.

The point is great for adding decorative grooves and beads to the exterior of your pieces.

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